Business increases by 300% in 60 days
If you want to increase your profits quickly, Mandy is genius at showing you how to do it. Within 60 days of begrudgingly doing everything that she told me to do (yes, I’m stubborn), my business increased by 300%, and continues to grow exponentially. She is amazing, you can’t argue with that!
– Jennifer Samuel-Chance Speaker – Storyteller – Speech Fixer

7 Figure company to double in size
In a world where anyone (without any real world, business experience) can pick up a book, or attend a weekend seminar, then claim they are a “coach” or business consultant, Mandy stands apart as the REAL deal. . .We have worked with her continuously for 2 years and have just signed up with her for another year (at a much larger investment). She is an invaluable part of our team. As a 7-figure company that is set to double in size this year, Mandy keeps us focused on our goals, and doesn’t allow us to chase “bright, shiny objects”. She understands business (again because of her extensive practical experience) and provides support in the areas of sales, marketing (she is an absolute marketing genius) and productivity. If you are serious about growing your business and IF you can hire her, don’t hesitate… she comes with my strongest endorsement.
– Brain Kaskavalciyan, G4 Marketing, Miami

Business Goes Up & Lead Costs Go Down.
Mandy is more than a coach or advisor, she works tirelessly as a partner to guide us through our projects keeping us on task and focused. She has helped us create several very effective lead generation strategies that have brought in new clients, increased our business and lowered our marketing costs.Thank you, Mandy!
– Michael Teller, CLTC, CSA

Revenue Increased by 100%
Working with Mandy this past year and using her many tools has increased our revenue by 100%. This past August we had the best month we’ve had in years and it is all as a result of her guidance. She uses tough love and caring as well as takes time to create a personally customized approach for her clients. Thank you Mandy!
– Odalis M. Lopez, CFP®

Real Life Business Experience
As an entrepreneur, I’ve been approached by many coaches and consultants. After working together, I can honestly say that Mandy is the only one that I have felt has a grasp for real life business. She is results-driven, practical, and offers great insight from an experienced perspective—something most business owners could use and find beneficial.
– Kat Chrysostom, Benefab Products, Ocala, FL
What Clients Say:
Revenues Increase by 40%
"As a result of using Mandy’s techniques, my revenues soared 40% the first year and 33% the next."
Mike Lynch CFP, Plantation FL
More progress in a few months than in 12 years
"I made more progress in a few months than twelve years of psychotherapy and training."
Shelley Eisenberg Psychotherapist, NY, NY
Platinum Award
"With her expert guidance and sales training, I was able to achieve the Platinum award from ReMax for being one of the top-producing real estate agents in South Florida."
Christine Adler ReMax, Fort Lauderdale, Fl
“Her performance was nothing less than superb”
-Dan Hostetler George S. May Int’l, Chicago
“Outstanding Speaker”
– Susan Horwitz Business Owner Fort Lauderdale
Five Stars! Great story teller, great content, great takeaways!”
-Lynn Herrera-Hubert HR Director, BSSS Public Accountants, Miami
“Mandy works tirelessly. . . to build consensus and lead organizations toward success. Her level of commitment to her clients is remarkable”
– Dan Varnum CEO, Mercy Medical Center-North Iowa
“She is the best workshop leader I have ever seen – and I have done LOTS of workshops. I just completed five days of training with forty people in the class. Not once did Mandy allow any participant to derail the program and get us off track. Yet everyone felt that their questions were being answered and we all know how to apply the methods taught to our unique situations. The training exceeded my expectations”
Michelle Clark Business Owner, Seattle, WA
“Thanks to Mandy’s training, I achieved the Platinum award from ReMax for being one of the top-producing real estate agents in South Florida”
– Christine Adler ReMax, Fort Lauderdale, FL
“Incredible speaker and coach. Thanks to Mandy we now have techniques we can use to go beyond our limitations.”
– Veena Deddar, CFP CLU CHFC, Toronto, Canada
Why Clients Stay
Excellent Trainer For Senior Executives
As the Human Resources Director for one of the largest accounting firms in South Florida, attracting and retaining the best and brightest talent is a top priority, so we engaged [Mandy Bass Business Systems] to help us establish an internal mentoring program. Their help has been invaluable in setting up the program. Mandy Bass has also done an excellent job training our senior managers and partners to better communicate and motivate our staff.
– Lynn Herrera-Hubert, HR Director, BSSS, Miami
Trusted and Tireless
Mandy is a trusted confidant who works tirelessly behind the scenes to build consensus and lead organizations toward success. Her level of commitment to her clients is remarkable.
– Dan Varnum, CEO, Mercy Medical Center, North Iowa
Results-Driven and Insightful
As an entrepreneur, I’ve been approached by many coaches and consultants. After working together, I can honestly say that Mandy is the only one that I have felt has a grasp for real life business. She is results-driven, practical, and offers great insight from an experienced perspective–something most business owners could use and find beneficial.
– Kat Chrysostrom, Owner, Benefab, Ocala, FL
Independence and Profitability
As a physician with a busy, private specialty practice, it is hard to pay attention to all the things you need to, to remain profitable. Mandy has helped us make the changes necessary to get profitable and remain independent in a very challenging healthcare and economic environment. I consider her a trusted and objective business partner that is fully engaged in our success.
– Claudia Penalba, Miami, FL
Clarity and Insight
When Mandy says, “Well, let me ask you one question,” I know that I am about to gain insight into the heart of whatever is holding me back from defining or achieving my personal and professional goals. By asking brilliant questions, Mandy coaches me to clarify my life’s purpose and pursue it with confidence
– Angela Kelsey, CEO The Kelsey Group, Hallandale, Fl
More Sales
I have attended many business seminars, but I honestly can say that in a few short hours, I learned more than I have learned in the years! I have already used some of the methods for persuasion and selling–and they work!
– Montana Gray – Seattle, Washington
More Clients more easily
When I first became a coach, I struggled to get clients. Using Mandy’s techniques, I have learned to position myself to attract clients to me, instead of me always chasing them. Mandy has taught me is how to turn interested prospects into paying clients. [Before] I was lucky to close two out of ten. Now it is around 85%.
– Barbara Birdman, Personal Coach, Denver, CO
Productivity & Family
I’ve noticed that I am more organized than I have ever been in my life. I seem to have so much extra time that I didn’t have before through the organizational process they teach. Because my professional life is so much more organized, and I have so much more time to spend with my family
– Marilyn Blosser, CSA, LUTCF. President, WIFS
Increasingly Valuable
Mandy is a very, very good coach. . . I’ve been impressed by how much she has been able to learn about my business despite never working directly in my field. . . The longer I’ve worked with her, the more valuable she has become.. I recommend her whole-heartedly.
– Steve Hans, San Francisco, CA
I learned to incorporate simple and workable tools into my daily routine. . . I specifically developed the ability to organize and focus which has made my work day easier and my year more productive. I am making more money as a result.
– Stevie Naids, Insurance Agent, North Carolina
I have accomplished personal and business goals — not just one at the expense of the other.
– Larry Epstein, CFP, , Deerfield Beach, Florida
Superb Performance
Performance was nothing less than superb.
– Dan Hostetler, George S. May Int’l, Chicago
Sales Increased 42% in 15 months
I LOVE working with Mandy! She is clear, bright and a GREAT resource. She helps me stay focused on the things that matter most in my business. With her guidance we had our best month ever last month. Thanks for your help!!!
-Adi Kaskavalciyan, GFour Marketing, Miami
Excellent Facilitator
Mandy is an excellent facilitator. I just completed five days of training with forty people in the class. Not once did she allow any participant to get us off track. Yet everyone felt that their questions were being answered and we all know how to apply the methods taught to our unique situations. It exceeded my expectations.
– Michelle Clark, Business Owner, Seattle, WA
Unleashed Potential
Now I realize what limitations we put on ourselves. Thanks to Mandy we now have techniques we can use to go beyond them.
– Veena Deddar, CFP CLU CHFC, Toronto, Canada
Totally Committed to Your Success
I would absolutely recommend Mandy to my associates. She contributes 110%!
– Kathi Mosier , CPA, Coral Springs, FL
What You Can Expect from Us
- Proven strategies right-sized for each individual client
- Creative solutions to problem-solving
- Effective tactics that get reliable results
- A system for accountability that sustains continual achievement
- Trusted confidants, with no hidden agendas, completely committed to their success
What You"ll Get From a
Free Consultation With Mandy
- An objective pespective of your strengths, weaknesses and opportunities
- 3 actionable ideas to grow your business
- Actionable next steps you can begin implementing immediately to solve your biggest challenge or reach your most important goal